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for Real Estate Professionals

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"No two Agents are the same, but they all need powerful systems and a trusted team to create outstanding results. That's what we had in mind when we created Connections by K & L. We cater to their every need from Contact to Close so efficiency and excellence are assured in every step of a transaction."

- Lousy "Empress" St Vil, Realtor Founder



Clients Say

Mikia Muhammad

Mickey Mansions | Team Leader

"Lousy is very detail oriented and technically saavy when it comes to CRM management and the business of real estate sales. Her understanding and knowledge of the sales pipeline is a great backbone to the customizable systems she sets up for clients. She is also patient with helping you, the agent, wrap your head around tools that are unfamiliar. I would highly recommend her services to someone who wants to start their business on the right foot or systemize current operations."

Malik Carter

Realtor | Investor

"Lousy and I have been working together for years and if I have 1 word: efficiency. I recommend her and her team if you're looking for lasting results."

Heather Medlin

Trinity Emergent | Architect

"Lousy and her team are quick to pick up on your flow and caters to your specific needs with your end goals always in the forefront of all formulated strategies. Their flexibility and resourcefulness is what made the difference for me."